
30 June: tall habit, rain didn't ruin, almost no botrytis, healthy, nice cover, spread/filled in like crazy, huge, mounding habit, nice despite rain, lush growt hupright.

15 July: mounding, tall habit, massive hedge of color, lots of blooms, no deadhead needed, huge, massive growth in last two weeks, very nice in an open landscape, nice height, nice and full, upright, good impact, not for small gardens.

30 July: hedge-like, tall, vigorous, no deadheading needed, aggressive, great for border, holds up to rain, very nice as a tall landscape plant, vivid flowers, wow, stunning from a distance, looks like it's on steroids, really impressive.

15 Aug: outstanding, almost no botrytis, about 3 feet tall, huge, yet to need deadheading, massive, love it, nice hedge, beautiful, vibrant flowers, nice for landscape.

30 Aug: a little botrytis starting, leggy, still thriving, deadhead, mounds nicely, declining, still many flowers, still nice but not as full, "test for steroids", almost too big.

15 Sept: beginning to decline, some foliage dieback but covered by blooms, nice color, leggy, still impressive.